If you’re like me, you probably indulged in a couple more sweet treats and savory snacks than you should have in December. That’s okay. But now it’s time to get back on track and start 2022 on the right foot. To do that, I’m inviting you to join me for Junk-free January 2022!
I did a Junk-free January to start 2020 and it really helped me start the year with some good eating habits that served me well throughout the year.
The Challenge
The challenge is to avoid eating junk food in the month of January. “Junk food” can mean different things to each of us, but you know what it is for you. For me it’s things like tortilla chips and cookies. For you it might be potato chips and Mountain Dew. Whatever it is, avoid it for the month.
Thinking about avoiding something for the month can feel overwhelming. So break it down to making a good choice each day. The last time I did a junk-free month I used Judson Brewer’s approach of just thinking about how the choice would make me feel then and in the near future. That approach also works for me when I feel like skipping a workout.
I’ve created a space on Volley (a new app for video, text, and audio messaging) for folks who want to join me in this challenge. It’s free to join and participate. I’ll be sharing my progress, my challenges, and some random thoughts. I hope you’ll join me! You can join the Junk-free January space on Volley right here. And you can connect with me about anything on Volley right here.