NPR recently announced their second annual Student Podcast Challenge. The challenge is open to students in grades five through twelve in the U.S. Students can produce a podcast on any topic of interest to them. Winning submissions will be aired on NPR broadcasts. If you’d like to have your students participate, but you’re not quite sure how to create a podcast, here are three tutorial videos to get you started.
Create a Podcast With Anchor
Anchor is podcasting platform that includes built-in audio recording and editing tools. You can use Anchor on any computer. In the first video below I demonstrate how to record directly into Anchor. In the second video I demonstrate how to import audio that was created with Garage Band.
Create a Podcast With Garage Band
If your students have Macs, Garage Band offers everything a student needs to record and edit a podcast. The video below provides an overview of how to create a podcast on Garage Band.
Create a Podcast With Audacity
Audacity is open-source software that you can use on a Mac or Windows computer. If you’re ready to move beyond the basics of Anchor and Garage Band, Audacity is the tool for you.
Upload a Podcast to SoundCloud
If you are going to have your students participate in NPR’s Student Podcast Challenge, you’ll have to upload their podcasts to SoundCloud. In the following video I demonstrate how to do that.
Thanks to Larry Ferlazzo for the tip about the podcast contest.