It feels like fall here in Maine. It has been in the 40’s (Fahrenheit) every morning since Thursday. That meant I had to move my Saturday morning bike ride to the afternoon where I got to enjoy some nice views over Streaked Mountain. And on my Friday afternoon ride I found The Yeti (see picture below). That was the highlight of my fitness this weekend. What was your highlight?
Challenge of the Week
This week’s challenge is one that I’ve been doing for a few weeks. That is challenge is social media fasting. In August I noticed that I was spending way too much time on Facebook. Not only was it a waste of time, it was contributing to making me melancholy. So I decided to go on a social media diet. In the time since I started doing this I’ve found that have fewer fluctuations in my mood during the day and I’m getting things done more quickly because I’m not “just checking Facebook for a minute.”
The challenge this week is to cut back on the time you spend on the social media site that sucks time out of your day. That could be Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, or something else that you find yourself wasting time using. I’ve been able to curtail my Facebook use by doing two things; removing the app from my phone and using the Stay Focusd Chrome extension. The extension lets you set limits for how long you can access any site(s) of your choosing. When the limit is reached, you’re blocked for 24 hours.
So this week try a social media diet and see how much time you can get back in your life for other fun things. I’m using that time to read The Naturalist. What will you read or do with more time?
I have five Ed Tech Fitness stickers left. If you want one, just send me your mailing address and I’ll put one in the mail for you this week.