The weekly Ed Tech Fitness challenges are intended to help you make exercise a regular part of your daily life. It can be hard to start a new exercise habit particularly if you already feel like you have a full plate. But getting regular exercise can actually make that plate feel a little less full. That’s just one of the many benefits that you can get from regular exercise. Here are five ways that you and your students can benefit from regular exercise.
Stress Reduction
Patience is a quality that every good teacher needs to have. It can be hard to be patient when you’re stressed-out. Regular exercise can reduce stress. As is mentioned in this Harvard Health Publishing article, the exercise doesn’t need to be vigorous in order to effective in lowering stress levels.
A Boost in Creativity
Studies have found that exercise can stimulate the mind and trigger creativity. My own experience confirms that pattern. Some of my best ideas (and some not-so-good ideas) have come while walking my dogs or riding my bike. So if you’re struggling to come up with new lesson plan ideas, take walk, go for a jog, or swim some laps.
Disease Prevention
Regular exercise can reduce risk factors associated with chronic illnesses. That can mean less missed days at school and a better overall quality of life when school is not in session. And since writing sub plans then getting caught up when you come back to school is stressful, again we see that regular exercise can lower stress.
Improve Endurance
Teaching requires a lot of time on your feet. Regular exercise will strengthen bones and muscles. Having stronger bones and muscles can make it easier to be on your feet for the day or at least make it possible to go a little longer before getting tired and cranky on your feet.
Better Sleep
Many studies have confirmed that regular exercise can improve the quality of your sleep. There’s not much worse than tossing and turning all night only to fall asleep just before your alarm clock goes off to start your day. Get in the habit of exercising regularly and you just might find that you sleep better too. Better sleep can lead to lower stress which can lead to more patience with your students. And if you sleep better you just might have more energy to exercise regularly.